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Articles and updates from the Network

Update from SSN Vice-Chair


SSN Blog

On 23 June, the SSN Steering Group met to consider the Green Recovery and what it means for SSN members. The group was joined by representatives from the Scottish Government, CERG, CEAG and ECCI who helped frame the morning’s discussions. John Wincott, SSN Vice-Chair shares an update.

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The Highland Council working in partnership to develop a Climate Funding Action Plan


Network news

The Highland Council declared a climate & ecological emergency in May 2019. Following a successful tender bid in February, SSN, in partnership with Practically Green and Wood, is supporting development of a climate funding action plan detailing how The Highland Council Programme and other key workstreams, plans and policies can improve alignment with Scottish Government national climate policy, demonstrate leadership and market Highland as a truly low carbon region.

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SSN Publishes Public Bodies Climate Change Analysis Report 2018-19


Network news

The Sustainable Scotland Network has today published its annual analysis of Public Bodies Climate Change Duties (PBCCD) Reports for 2018/19. This is the fourth year of mandatory climate change reporting for public sector bodies. SSN’s analysis provides valuable insight into how public bodies are responding to the climate crisis.

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Role of Public Bodies in Climate Change - Consultation Analysis


Network news

The Scottish Government has today published the Analysis of the Consultation on the Role of Public Sector Bodies in Climate Change. The consultation which took place late last year, explored a range of proposals and issues relating to public sector climate action. This included proposals for new leadership networks, questions about the information and support needed by public bodies, and a range of questions about the reform of public sector climate change reporting.

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Displaying news articles 113 - 116 of 168 in total