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Articles and updates from the Network

Programme for Government commits to real action on climate change


Network news

Last week, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced the government’s plan for the coming year in the Programme for Government. The 2019-20 programme puts the climate crisis front and centre and sets out the actions that Scotland will take to end its contribution to climate change.

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Shared Plan to Tackle the Climate Emergency


Network news

A group of civic and business leaders are today (Mon 26 Aug) setting out their recommendations for the key actions the Scottish Government needs to take to ramp up its response to the climate emergency in its forthcoming Programme for Government.

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People, land and climate in a warming world


Network news

Earlier this month the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) special report on climate change and land was published and approved by the world’s governments.

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SSN members have their say!


Network news

Earlier this year, we asked all SSN members to complete our 2019 member survey. The aim of the survey was to gather information about the membership including how members like to engage with the Network, what they value, and areas they would like to see developed.

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Displaying news articles 129 - 132 of 168 in total