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Articles and updates from the Network

Library of Creative Sustainabiliy


Network news

The Library of Creative Sustainability is a resource produced by Creative Carbon Scotland to explain in detail projects that have made use of artists and creatives to help achieve sustainability outcomes. The articles aim to provide a useful resource for those considering adopting similar approaches and looking for advice and information.

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Scotland's Public Sector Set to Up the Pace


Sustainable Scotland Network Event

Our recent members' event asked participants to consider what the sector is doing to address climate change and what it needs to deliver on ambitious new targets.

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Network news

Scotland's Climate Week is here! This week, private, public and third sector organisations across Scotland are all taking part in the 7-day initiative to increase engagement and drive climate change action. Climate Week is a great opportunity for organisations across all sectors to celebrate and showcase what they’re doing to help tackle the climate emergency. We’ve been talking to some of our SSN members to find out what they are up to this Climate Week.

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Uncertain Times


SSN Blog

Our new Vice Chair John Wincott shares his thoughts on the current state of flux for the Network and for our climate.

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Displaying news articles 125 - 128 of 168 in total