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Articles and updates from the Network

Zero Waste Scotland: Net Zero Plan


Network news

A new net-zero plan launched by Zero Waste Scotland aims to show public, private and third sector organisations how to rebuild after coronavirus and meet their vital obligations on ending the climate emergency at the same time.

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Green Recovery to Drive Climate Action


SSN Blog

Important recent developments for SSN members and public bodies to be aware of on the Green Recovery.

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ParkPower Project Proposal: Green Heat in Greenspaces


Network news

ParkPower are inviting organisations to register interest in their new project Green Heat in Greenspaces. The proposal builds on the momentum gained over the last year including their well attended ParkPower Conference in February 2020.

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Guidelines for Climate Change Communication


Network news

The University of Strathclyde has launched guidelines for climate change communication. The new resources share six key guidelines through a 1 page document and video.

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Displaying news articles 117 - 120 of 168 in total