Can Urban Greenspaces Act as Low Carbon Boilers?
Network news
A new research project launched this week by greenspace scotland will explore how we can transform our urban landscapes to support a low carbon future. Green Heat in Greenspaces (GHiGs) builds on greenspace scotland’s ground-breaking ParkPower project bringing together half of Scotland’s councils together with a wide range of public sector bodies to explore how urban greenspaces can support a Scottish low carbon heat transition.
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PBCCD annual reports 2020
Network news
From this year, the Scottish Government will be managing Public Bodies Climate Change Duties (PBCCD) reporting submissions. This means there are a few changes on how you report.
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Climate Week 2020
Partner news
Climate Week kicks off 14-20 September this year but things might look a little different! This year, the Scottish Government has partnered with Home Energy Scotland and Zero Waste Scotland among others to deliver a programme of events which are designed to benefit both businesses and the consumer.
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North Ayrshire Council join WEAll
Network news
North Ayrshire Council has joined the Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll). The WEAll is a collaboration of organisations, alliances, movements, and individuals working towards a wellbeing economy, delivering human and ecological wellbeing.