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Articles and updates from the Network

Countdown to COP26



As the one year to COP26 countdown begins, we asked SSN Steering Group member, Dr Duncan Booker, COP26 Stakeholder Manager at Glasgow City Council what we can expect next year.  

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Supporting public sector action through three key programmes


Network news

In conjunction with the SSN strategy launch, SSN has set out three key programmes to support the public sector action in Scotland.

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Working together to support a low carbon future in Ayrshire


Network news

SSN is working with South Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership on a new project which explores how the Partnership can support a low carbon future in the region. The project has been developed to support collaborative action on the climate emergency, with the Community Planning Board recognising the need to identify how partners can work together to drive this agenda locally.

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Food for Life Scotland


Partner news

Food for Life Scotland (FFLS) is a Scottish Government funded programme which supports public sector food service to deliver not only on climate but also on public health and economic priorities. With the concurrent crises of pandemic, recession and climate emergency, programmes such as FFLS that can support a green recovery are increasingly relevant to Scotland’s public sector.

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Displaying news articles 97 - 100 of 168 in total