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Articles and updates from the Network

End of year message from SSN Chair


Network news

An end of year message from SSN Chair, Kathryn Dapré.

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Board supports Mission Zero route map


Network news

The Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority has just agreed its Mission Zero route map, putting the Park Authority on the pathway to net zero emissions by 2030 or sooner. The Plan was agreed at the Park Authority Board meeting on 7th December.

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Glasgow City Region's first Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan


Network news

Climate Ready Clyde is developing Glasgow City Region’s first Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan. The plan is currently in draft and will be completed by March 2021, ahead of COP26 in Glasgow.

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Glasgow City Council's Climate Implementation Plan (CEIP)


Network news

The City council is looking to undertake this consultation to engage and galvanise local organisations, businesses, communities and citizens to inform the development of the proposed Climate Emergency Implementation Plan (CEIP) and support its delivery.

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Displaying news articles 97 - 100 of 176 in total