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Joint Call 2021 Accelerating the Heating and Cooling Transition

16 May 2021

Scottish Enterprise is a partner in the "Joint Call 2021 on Accelerating the Heating and Cooling Transition" that will provide funding for collaborative research and demonstration projects on accelerating the heating and cooling transition. Around £1m of grant funding is available for Scottish companies/organisations participating in trans-national, collaborative R&D projects.

This Joint Call 2021 from the Joint Programming Platform Smart Energy, in cooperation with the ERA-Net GEOTHERMICA, will be launched towards the end of May, beginning of June 2021.

Fifty per cent of Europe’s energy demand is for heating, and the demand for cooling is increasing year on year. The aim of the call is to accelerate the heating and cooling transition, enabling 100% climate-neutral heating and cooling by 2050. This requires innovation and demonstration for heating and cooling technologies and their integration into the regional and local energy system.

The Heating and Cooling Joint Challenge Call will focus on the following topic areas:

Projects must have partners from at least two participating countries and the outcome must be innovative solutions that contribute to EU carbon neutral and sustainability targets.

Scottish Enterprise is able to provide grant support to companies and research organisations operating in Scotland. Research organisations can only participate if there are at least two companies in the consortium, one of which is Scottish. Intervention rates will be for 40% for large companies and 50% for SMEs.

This will be a 2-stage call, with a Stage 1 application deadline in September 2021 and Full Proposal application deadline in January 2022.

Scottish Enterprise is hosting a webinar on the Joint Call Accelerating the Heating & Cooling Transition on Thursday 17th June @10.30am. The webinar will provide information on the call aims and objectives, topics, how to apply, the time line and the application process . To register for the event please click here

More detail will be provided when the call is launched at the Geothermica website.

In the meantime, if you would like more information and to express an interest in this innovation call please contact Tel: 01414685669

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