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Articles and updates from the Network

PBCCD annual reports 2020


Network news

From this year, the Scottish Government will be managing Public Bodies Climate Change Duties (PBCCD) reporting submissions. This means there are a few changes on how you report.

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North Ayrshire Council join WEAll


Network news

North Ayrshire Council has joined the Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll). The WEAll is a collaboration of organisations, alliances, movements, and individuals working towards a wellbeing economy, delivering human and ecological wellbeing.

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Climate Week 2020


Partner news

Climate Week kicks off 14-20 September this year but things might look a little different! This year, the Scottish Government has partnered with Home Energy Scotland and Zero Waste Scotland among others to deliver a programme of events which are designed to benefit both businesses and the consumer.

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Climate Emergency Collaboration Challenge


Network news

Despite significant investments made to-date in energy efficiency measures, renewables and low carbon technologies, more needs to be done to close the ‘performance gap’ between ambition and reality in public sector construction and the building management. The University of Edinburgh in collaboration with a number of industry partners successfully secured funding from the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) to address this.

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Displaying news articles 109 - 112 of 168 in total