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Articles and updates from the Network

Sustainable Food Places - Partnership Development Grants


Network news

Sustainable Food Places programme has launched applications for places in Scotland interested in developing or progressing a local food partnership and plan. There are a limited number of six month £5000 development grants available over January - June 2021.

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Blog: Now is surely the time?


SSN Blog

Dave Gorman, Director of Social Responsibility and Sustainability, University of Edinburgh shares his key take-aways from the Westminster Higher Education Forum's conference on UK Higher Education and Net Zero.

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Capacity-building stories: Sustainable Scotland Network


SSN Blog

Project Director, George Tarvit and SSN Chair, Kathryn Dapré recently took part in the Paris Committee on Capacity-building podcast series to answer a few questions about their capacity-building efforts, activities, and vision in Scotland.

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COP26 Climate Collaboration Challenge



Ahead of COP26, WWF Scotland and ScottishPower, with the support of SSN, have come together to champion new cross-sector partnerships and projects in Scotland. Partnerships that will deliver faster and more ambitious action on climate change.

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Displaying news articles 101 - 104 of 176 in total