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Steering Group

The Steering Group is made up of SSN members, strategic partners of the Network, and the Scottish Government

The Steering Group provides a senior-level, trusted space for public sector practitioners and decision-makers to engage directly with the Scottish Government, to work directly with peers from across the public sector, and to steer the development of SSN.

The Steering Group is made up of SSN members and strategic partners of the Network. The Scottish Government, ECCI, EAUC-Scotland and SOLACE hold observing roles on the Group. The Steering Group can also have observers who bring specific skills and experience.

The Steering Group acts as the principal leadership group for SSN, providing advice and practical support to the secretariat. It also offers a valuable opportunity for public sector sustainability and climate change champions to engage at national level and to guide the development and delivery of Scotland’s premier public sector network on sustainable development and climate change.

The SSN Steering Group has four main roles:

The Steering Group elects an SSN Chair and Vice Chair who play a lead role in working with the secretariat and the Scottish Government to develop, implement, monitor and review SSN. This includes the role and impact of the SSN Steering Group and the secretariat, as well as the SSN programme. Our current Chair is John Wincott and the Vice Chair is Mark Williams.

Meet the SSN Steering Group:

Andy Dick

Get to Zero Manager, East Renfrewshire Council

Andy joined East Renfrewshire Council in October 2021 as Get to Zero Manager. In this role, Andy leads the plan for the Council and the community to achieve net zero and adapt to climate change. Prior to joining the Council Andy held several roles with Zero Waste Scotland, including managing the recycling programme with local government, writing the corporate plan and delivering support for national government policy initiates such as the Circular Economy Bill and the waste targets route map. He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Wastes Management and Institute of Leadership and Management. He became a Sustainable Scotland Network (SSN) steering group member in May 2023 and has been a Director of ApparelXchange CIC since 2022. He lives in the south side of Glasgow with his young family.

Jen Cassells

Police Scotland

Jen is an environmental professional who has worked in the public and private sector in range of roles over the past 20 years. This included provision of consultancy support to the SSN. She is currently National Sustainability Lead for Police Scotland. Jen was appointed to the SSN Steering Group in June 2024 to represent blue light services.

Claire Ferguson

Team Leader - Climate Change Strategy, Shetlands Islands Council

Claire is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer and has previously led on the services design engineering for a number of building types including offices, swimming pool, theatre and higher education buildings.  Since joining Shetland Islands Council in 2021, she has led the Climate Change Strategy team in the development of the SIC Net Zero Route Map, the Shetland Net Zero Route Map and the SIC Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan, which sits across the council and has wider influence across Shetland. This has included community engagement, raising awareness and partnership working.  Examples include the Shetland Climate Conversation and the establishment of the Shetland Climate Change Steering Group; a group made up of The Shetland Partnership organisations tasked with developing the Shetland Climate Change Strategy allowing organisations to collaborate more easily and accelerate action in working towards joint goals.

Louise Ross

Carbon and Sustainability Analyst, University of Edinburgh

Claudia Cowie

Team Leader – Sustainability and Climate Change, Aberdeenshire Council

Claudia is the Team Leader for Sustainability and Climate Change at Aberdeenshire Council. Claudia leads in the development and delivery of Council-wide plans for Climate Change and Sustainable Development. Claudia and her team are responsible for implementing Climate Change policy, coordinating the Carbon Budget, Route Map Action Plan and LHEES. Her role within the organisation has grown as the Council’s commitment to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions has become a priority. Prior to joining Aberdeenshire Council, Claudia spent many years as a science teacher in the USA. Throughout her career, Claudia has worked in a variety of roles across the public, private and third sector. Claudia has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree, both focussed on environmental sciences. “I am very excited for the opportunity to be an ambassador for SSN. SSN has been pivotal in supporting me in my role at Aberdeenshire Council and continues to be an important source of support. SSN offers an excellent space to share ideas, ask for advice, and be connected to others working in similar roles across the Public Bodies.”

Lorna Jarvie

Coordinator for Sustainability and Fleet, South Ayrshire Council

Lorna has been working in a variety of roles in local authorities since 2003, initially within Roads and Transportation and then Sustainability, with her remit now taking in a range of areas including sustainability, climate change, biodiversity, SEA, and a parks strategy function which covers open space, allotments, play areas, reservoirs and park rangers. Most recently Lorna’s role has expanded to also include Fleet Services. She has an MA in Geography, an MSc in Sustainable Rural Development, a PGDip in Leadership and Management of Public Services and is a Member of the Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation. Lorna has worked on a range of policies and strategies over the years as well as practical delivery of projects. Her current work at South Ayrshire Council includes the implementation of the council’s first Sustainable Development and Climate Change Strategy and duties reporting. Joining SSN in 2006 and a former steering group member, Lorna hopes her experience to date can bring a useful further perspective to discussions.

Clive Mitchell

Head of Terrestrial Science at NatureScot

Clive is Head of Terrestrial Science at NatureScot and leads their approach on climate-nature. In NatureScot Clive has worked as a geologist, delivering operations in Orkney, on climate, energy, sustainable development, corporate strategy and resource management. In the 2000s he was seconded to the UK Sustainable Development Commission as team leader for climate, energy, transport and buildings policy. He is an Associate Lecturer for the Open University teaching final year courses on Earth Systems and the environment, including climate, nature and food systems. He sits on the steering group of the Sustainable Scotland Network, and advisory group for WWF Scotland.

Amy Ritchie

Head of Sustainable Resources and Social Responsibility, University of Strathclyde

Amy is a sustainability & low carbon energy specialist with wide ranging experience across the private, regulated and higher education sectors. Prior to joining Strathclyde as Head of Sustainable Resources & Social Responsibility in early 2023, Amy spent time developing and influencing heat network policy whilst working at the Association for Decentralised Energy, and embedding credible approaches to deliver a just transition through Ofgem’s RIIO Framework for the energy networks sector. In her current role, Amy is responsible for delivering on the University’s of Strathclyde’s Net Zero target, through decarbonisation of all University operations and practices. She works with colleagues from across the University and beyond to ensure that social, environmental and financial sustainability ambitions are realised across the institution and wider Glasgow region.

Gemma Stenhouse

Climate Change Manager, Forestry and Land Scotland

Ross Spalding

Service Manager (Climate Change and Zero Waste), Fife Council

Joanna Teuton

Health Improvement Manager – climate, Public Health Scotland

Joanna is a Health Improvement Manager at Public Health Scotland. She has work on public health and climate for 8 years, currently co-leading a workstream on climate change and population health. This work uses public health evidence, approach and tools at a national, regional and local level to enable cross-sectoral climate plans and action to minimises health harms and maximises health and equity co-benefits. Previously Joanna worked as a public health intelligence adviser supporting the development of evidence-informed policy across a wide range of public health issues including mental health, loneliness and reproductive health as well as working internationally on psychosocial issues in Asia and Africa. Joanna has a Master’s in Public Health and PhD in Cross Cultural Mental Health. “As a public sector employee working on the interface between climate change, population health and equity, SSN provides an exciting opportunity to collaborate to deliver climate actions which have health and social value and contribute to improved health outcomes and reduced health inequalities in Scotland.”

Mark Williams (Vice Chair)

Head of Environmental Science and Regulation, Scottish Water

Dr Mark Williams is Head of Environmental Science and Regulation at Scottish Water and the UKWIR Programme Lead for Climate Change. Mark followed an academic research career in marine biology and chemical ecology at the universities of Cardiff and St. Andrews before joining Scottish Water to work in environmental and regulatory management. At Scottish Water, Mark contributes to the development of long-term strategy and vision for the company as well as establishing carbon management strategies and plans. “My ambition for SSN is to engage the Scottish public sector in understanding their role and the actions they can take. I am keen to support the sector in taking practical steps to implement actions that will support One Planet Prosperity. I want to support SSN to be valued as a source of stimulating and challenging information and provocation, but also as a source of practical advice and shared learning.”

John Wincott (Chair)

John has a passion for sustainability, and a wealth of experience in the public sector including local government and further education. Until recently John’s role was as Environmental Services Coordinator at Fife College where he led the college in tackling the challenges around sustainability and climate change. John is undertaking PhD research in the use of Judicial Review in Climate Change litigation, and decided last year to take a break from Fife College to concentrate on his research. John has also served on the Office Bearers' Group of the Environmental Association for Universities and College, and is the current Chair of Fife Environmental Partnership.

Emma Yule

2050 Climate Group

Emma is a PhD researcher and tutor at Edinburgh University focused on extreme climate events and climate adaptation in Scotland. Emma tutors on the Carbon Management Masters and is an ECCI Associate. She also runs workshops and presents on adaptation for the public sector and in local communities. She is co-chair of the Adaptation Community of Practice at Edinburgh University and is a Trustee at Scottish Communities Climate Action Network (SCCAN). She is chair of the Leaders Network at 2050 Climate Group. Emma was listed on the Scottish Power COP26 Green Power List for her climate action work.

Others who attend include:

Representatives from COSLA, Scottish Government, EAUC-Scotland and SOLACE.