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Articles and updates from the Network

CCC Report: Progress in reducing emissions 2024


Network news

Progress in reducing emissions 2024 Report to Parliament

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Scottish Climate Intelligence Service


Network news

SSN and SCIS are working together to help build on existing services and ensure synergy of support to local authorities and their partners. SCIS harnesses the breadth of experience and ambition of its partners to improve delivery of its support services.

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June news


Network news

Catch up on the latest news and updates from SSN in our newsletter, published 27 June 2024. Find out more about the Scottish Climate Intelligence Service, upcoming Climate Summit and SSN practitioner insights and lots more!

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Scottish Climate Intelligence Service partner with ClimateView


Partner news

The Improvement Service and the Edinburgh Climate Change Institute (ECCI) have partnered with Swedish technology company ClimateView to deliver the Scottish Climate Intelligence Service (SCIS).

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Displaying news articles 1 - 4 of 168 in total