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SSN Membership


SSN is Scotland’s free-to-use public sector network on sustainability and climate change. 

SSN is an energetic, friendly and diverse network that engages a wide range of professionals, practitioners and leaders.

We support organisations and individuals across Scotland’s public bodies. Here’s how:

EMPOWER | Be part of a vibrant community of public sector individuals and organisations driving action on climate change and sustainability. 

NEWS | Receive and share regular news and updates 

TRUSTED | Expert one-to-one support with public bodies climate change reporting submissions and support and advice on climate change and sustainability issues

COLLABORATE | Attend SSN events and workshops on key climate change and sustainability topics and receive invitations to partner opportunities. Join our Local Authority Forum to tackle key issues impacting local government.

NETWORK | Peer-to-peer networking opportunities.

ENGAGE | Attend the SSN Conference, one of Scotland’s major public sector climate change events.

LEARN BY DOING | Share your learning and amplify your work across our network including our SSN newsletter, website and followers on X

KNOWLEDGE | Access and contribute to the wide range of resources, case studies and guidance available in the SSN manual.

DISCOUNTS | Receive discounts to member and partner events and activities.

POLICY | Opportunities to join the SSN Steering Group and be an SSN Ambassador.

SSN membership consists of individual and organisational members. Organisational members are the Public Bodies identified in the Climate Change Act (Scotland). Individual membership is open to all public sector professionals wanting to collaborate and take action on climate change and sustainability.

Not an SSN member yet? Join us!

Please complete our SSN membership form here.
