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COP26 Climate Collaboration Challenge

16 November 2020

Get involved in the challenge!

Across Scotland, there are great examples of people and projects delivering action on climate change, but we all know that we can achieve much more when we work together. We need to find innovative ways of working together to accelerate climate action and adaptation. 

Ahead of COP26, WWF Scotland and ScottishPower, with the support of SSN, have come together to champion new cross-sector partnerships and projects in Scotland. Partnerships that will deliver faster and more ambitious action on climate change.  

The challenge was launched virtually on 16 November, one year ahead of COP26. Attendees heard inspiring international case studies, connected with other sectors here in Scotland and considered what new partnerships they could form.  


The launch event will be followed by a series of virtual workshops, where attendees will find further opportunities for engagement and collaboration. Workshop topics will range from energy use and production to sustainable communities and land use.

Details about the workshops will be made available here. If you have an idea for a workshop or would be interested in hosting a discussion, please get in touch.


The challenge will showcase your new and innovative partnerships to inspire even more action both across Scotland and globally.  

We will share your project and promote the learning to a global audience. This will be a fantastic opportunity to show how we can all play a part in an accelerated response to climate change. 

For more information, please visit the WWF website.

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