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Public Sector Estate Decarbonisation

30 June 2021

SSN welcomes over 100 delegates to online member event

On 16 June 2021, the Sustainable Scotland Network (SSN), welcomed around 100 delegates to an online event for SSN members and partners on public sector estate decarbonisation. Hosted in collaboration with Scottish Government, Scottish Futures Trust and Edinburgh Climate Change Institute (ECCI), the event brought together a range of speakers to share the many challenges, opportunities and support available to the public sector to decarbonise their estate on the journey to net zero.

Scottish Green Public Sector Estate Decarbonisation

Rach Anderson, Low Carbon Energy Project Manager at Scottish Government began the session with an overview of what the Scottish Government are currently delivering to support public sector energy efficiency in Scotland, including the Draft Heat in Buildings Strategy, minimum £95 million capital investment to support decarbonisation of public sector buildings and new financial support for Central Government. View presentation slides.

Net Zero Public Sector Buildings Standard

Associate Directors, Jamie Goth and Richard Lockhart from Scottish Future Trust shared the Scottish Government’s new voluntary Net Zero Public Sector Buildings Standard. The Standard is mainly shaped around Scottish Government policy requirements and heavily influenced by Local Authority deadlines and commitments. The key aim of the Standard is to convert Scottish Government policy commitments into construction industry instructions. View presentation slides.

Building capacity for zero and low carbon innovation in construction and the built environment

Jamie Brogan, Climate Partnership Lead at Edinburgh Climate Change Institute (ECCI) shared phase 1 findings of the Climate Emergency Collaboration Project, looking at building capacity for better building performance. Through a series of workshops and interviews with clients and contractors, the project helped foster a shared commitment towards new and collaborative approaches to future projects. The findings and recommendations of the project call for sustainability expertise to be introduced as early as possible and zero carbon and sustainability outcomes to be prioritised. Full findings and recommendations will be published soon. View presentation slides.

The full recording of the event can be found below:

SSN Event: Public Sector Estate Decarbonisation from Sustainable Scotland Network on Vimeo.

© Image: University of Edinburgh

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