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Articles and updates from the Network

Turning on the heat from Scotland's rivers


Network news

New independent research published today by greenspace scotland reveals how the rivers flowing through Scotland’s towns and cities and the greenspaces between our buildings can act as vital low carbon heat sources to help to achieve its climate targets.

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Circular procurement training


Partner news

Last week, SSN local authority members attended two training workshops on circular procurement. Hosted by Zero Waste Scotland, the workshops began by exploring circular approaches to procurement and followed up on how to develop a specification with circular outcomes. 

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Joint Call 2021 Accelerating the Heating and Cooling Transition


Partner news

Scottish Enterprise is a partner in the "Joint Call 2021 on Accelerating the Heating and Cooling Transition" that will provide funding for collaborative research and demonstration projects on accelerating the heating and cooling transition.

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Public Bodies Climate Change Duties Reporting 2019/20


Network news

The Sustainable Scotland Network (SSN) has published its fifth analysis of mandatory public sector climate change reporting, showing a continued decline in emissions for public bodies.

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Displaying news articles 81 - 84 of 168 in total