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Marine Data Framework for Scotland

16 November 2021

Various Scottish public sector organisations have access to GIS-format marine spatial data (GIS = Geographic Information Systems) through a procurement framework. The framework has enabled partners to make use of the data at greatly reduced prices compared to purchasing off the shelf. The current framework is due to end in April 2022, and a replacement framework is being procured.

In order to make use of the data, interested Scottish public sector organisations have to be named on the procurement documents. It is not possible to “join” the framework once it has commenced. There is no cost to being a named partner - there is no subsequent obligation to buy the data.

Coastal Local Authorities are likely to benefit from access to the GIS-format marine spatial data available under the framework. Coastal LAs undertake various activities particularly related to flooding and climate change, which are inherently geospatial, and for which access to appropriately themed spatial data is a necessity. The current supplier for the framework is OceanWise. You can view the three types of data available (Vector Features, Bathymetry (Digital Elevation Model, DEM) and Raster Charts) at (first 3 buttons).

If you are a coastal Local Authority, you may benefit from signing up to the replacement framework, which is currently being procured. This will then give you the right to purchase data and services at reduced cost, but with no obligation to buy.

To register your interest, please email David Tulett (Marine Scotland GIS Manager, Scottish Government) at by c.o.p. Wednesday 1 December 2021.

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