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Local Authority Forum Meetings

The Local Authority Forum provides a space for Local Authority members to network, discuss common challenges, share learning and identify options for addressing knowledge gaps. You can also hear news and developments from a range of partners and leaders including the SSN Steering Group, Scottish Government, CoSLA, SEON and the Climate Emergency Action Group.

An important aspect of Local Authority Forums is knowledge exchange, peer learning with members helping shape network activity to improve member experience and benefits. We encourage members to raise and share what matters to you, your organisation, colleagues and partners on delivering climate action, improving sustainability and advising how the implementation of the SSN Strategy can help empower members - both individually and collectively.

To join the LAF, please contact

Local Authority Forum meetings

If you missed any meetings or would like to access some of the shared resources, please see below:

LAF - 12 June 2024

  • Update on ESS Scope 3 improvement plan proposal and Climate Change Reporting, Audit and Capability Assessments.
  • View full agenda.

LAF - 6 March 2024

  • Scottish Government update and in-depth discussion with Heat in Buildings Team - Delivery Models for Heat Networks.
  • Questions from the network around procurement and Scope 3 and PAS2080.
  • View full agenda.

LAF - 11 December 2023

  • Scottish Government update including Public Bodies Climate Change Duties Statutory Guidance, Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Bill and Heat in Buildings consultation and funding.
  • Update from Creative Carbon Scotland on how the arts and cultural sector can support local authorities.
  • Audit Scotland and Adaptation update.
  • View full agenda.

LAF - 11 September 2023

  • Online networking - discussing LA challenges, how SSN can help and annual reporting.
  • Update on Climate Intelligence Service, ONS Environmental Date Research and Adaptation Programme Development

LAF (December 2022)

  • Access the event write up here.

Behaviour Change Event (October 2022)

  • Access the event write up here.

LAF (25 August 2022)

LAF (12 May 2022)

  • Access the event report here.

Public Engagement Event (April 2022)

  • Access the event report here.
  • Access event Q&A here.

LAF (24 February 2022)

  • Access the meeting write up here.

LAF (7 October 2021)

LAF 6 (12 May 2021)

  • Improvement Service, the Scottish Local Authorities Economic Development Group (SLAED) and the Sustainable Scotland Network (SSN) hosted this joint workshop to explore what the "green economic recovery" looks like in practice for local government officers working on these priorities.
  • Presentation recordings and full write up are available here.

LAF 5 (18 March 2021)

  • The Scottish Government gave a presentation on the Climate Emergency Skills Action Plan (CESAP). View recording and presentation slides.
  • Update from SSN steering group representatives, including an overview of the steering group presentation from Mott Macdonald on the Net Zero Public Sector Building Standard. View recording and presentation slides.

LAF 4 (18 February 2021)

LAF 3 (21 January 2021)

  • The Scottish Government gave an overview of the Climate Change Plan Update including a Q+A session.
  • Member discussions included the challenges on net zero planning and homeworking emissions.
  • View meeting summary document.

LAF 2 (7 December 2020)

LAF 1 (9 November 2020)

  • The first meeting of the reinstated Local Authority Forum began with updates from the Scottish Government, COSLA, SEON, CEAG and GCC on COP26.
  • Roundtable discussion on net-zero planning including target dates and the development of routemaps.

Future meetings

For more information on attending the local authority forum, please contact