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Articles and updates from the Network

SSN Event Looks at Partnerships for the Future


Sustainable Scotland Network Event

The SSN event gathered people from across the Network for a day of shared learning, expert speakers and workshops to identify areas for action by the SSN.

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City Region pledges new action in light of report from Climate Ready Clyde


Network news

Glasgow City Region sets out first comprehensive climate risk assessment as world leaders discuss city resilience. A new risk assessment published by Climate Ready Clyde in October highlights the risks and sets out recommendations needed through to 2025 to build the city region’s long term resilience to climate change.

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Join the SSN Steering Group – Recruiting new members now!


Network news

SSN is looking for new members to join the Steering Group. This is an opportunity to join the strategic leadership of Scotland’s largest network of public sector professionals working in climate change and sustainability. Applications are being accepted now, find out more and apply!

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Innovation Clusters Offer New Model for Cities and Regions


Network news

SSN accompanied the ECCI and Climate KIC ConnectedClusters project on a recent trip to the Provadis School of International Management and Technology in Frankfurt, Germany. SSN’s Catherine Pearce heard from cluster partners about what makes a cluster model successful and how to innovate in the face of adversity.

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Displaying news articles 165 - 168 of 175 in total