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Articles and updates from the Network

Update from Scottish Government on the Climate Change Bill


Partner news

Scottish Government's Climate Change Bill team provide a brief update and insight on the progress of Scotland's Climate Change Bill as we approach Stage 2 of the Parliamentary process.

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SSN Guidance on SCCAP 2 Consultation


Network news

We've developed key points and questions against each of the SCCAP 2 consultation questions to help you develop and consider your organisation’s response. Consultation on Scotland's second Climate Adaptation Programme closes 9 April 2019.

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Young climate leaders meet with Sustainable Scotland Network


Other Sustainability Events

Last month, the Sustainable Scotland Network (SSN) and Adaptation Scotland welcomed Promise Matatiyo, Project Coordinator from Malawi’s Climate Leaders Project to the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation. Promise's visit is part of a month-long exchange with Scotland's 2050 Climate Group designed to develop a two-way intercultural relationship, creating opportunities for engagement and shared learning with industry professionals, organisations and volunteers.

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SSN Publishes 2017/18 Analysis of Public Sector Emissions


Network news

The Sustainable Scotland Network published its annual analysis of Public Bodies Climate Change Reports (Section 3) for the period 2017/18 today. Analysis of key corporate reporting from public bodies shows continued decline in emissions.

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Displaying news articles 149 - 152 of 168 in total