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Articles and updates from the Network

Climate Week Inspires Engagement


Climate Week 2018

Climate Week 2018 came to close on Friday 5 October after five packed days of activities, events and awareness raising from organisations and groups across Scotland.

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Top Climate Start-Ups Compete in Edinburgh


Partner Events

Our partner ECCI hosts Scotland’s biggest climate innovation competition. Top three Scottish climate start-ups battle it out with the brightest green entrepreneurs from 45 countries in the world’s biggest cleantech ideas competition.

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Scottish Government Launch Climate Week


Climate Week 2018

The Scottish Government launched Climate Week from Perth on Monday 1 October. With Roseanna Cunningham announcing a new Climate Literacy course from RSGS headquarters.

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Take on a ‘Mini Mission’ to Help Fight Climate Change in CW2018


Climate Week 2018

Climate Week 2018 sees organisations across Scotland engaging staff and others on some of the positive steps we can all take to make a difference.

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Displaying news articles 169 - 172 of 175 in total