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Articles and updates from the Network

New Chair for the Network


Network news

Steering Group member Kathryn Dapré to be new SSN Chair. Kathryn (Kate) Dapré will take up the SSN Chair role in March. The current Chair, Chris Wood Gee, will step down after three years as Chair of the Network.

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Climate Change Adaptation Programme Consultation


Partner news

Scottish Government launches a public consultation on the draft Climate Change Adaptation Programme for Scotland 2019-2024.

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2019 Action Groups – it's not too late to sign up!


Network news

Hot on the heels of our Regional Partnerships event in December, we have established three Action Groups. These are based upon the themes and discussions from the day and are open to any Network member. Get in touch with us to find out more about the Groups and how you can participate.

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New SSN Steering Group members announced


Network news

The Sustainable Scotland Network recruited for a refreshed Steering Group late in 2018 with appointments confirmed this week. New members include representatives from four new local authority areas, new representation from NHS Scotland, Scottish Water, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and the Scottish Funding Council. For the first time a Scottish college will also be part of the Group – Fife College.

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Displaying news articles 153 - 156 of 168 in total