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Scottish visual arts & climate adaptation

18 July 2019

A new report from Creative Carbon Scotland investigates Scottish visual arts and climate change adaptations.

Creative Carbon Scotland recently commissioned a research project designed to look specifically at how visual arts organisations are being impacted by the climate crisis. Research included analysis and interviews of organisations and partners across the visual arts sector. Two SSN members took part in the research, helping to form a clearer understanding of the impacts of climate change and the role of adaptation in the sector.

Creative Carbon Scotland's research recognises the unique nature of visual arts organisations, and aims to inform and recommend adaptation methodologies specific to the sector.

The project recognised the a gap between general climate change impact predictions and policies and specific sector practices. It focused on Edinburgh as a case study, but the recommendations are applicable to other areas of Scotland.

The research highlights three key areas where the Scottish visual arts sector is vulnerable to climate change including, physical risk to collections, financial risk and disruption to logistics.

Key trends emerged from the research to suggest that given the urgency, not enough action is being taken. The research revealed general employee attitudes towards climate change and how organisations and employees are managing and supporting adaptation and mitigation.

It is hoped that the project will result in greater understanding of the impacts climate change will have in Scotland, and provides a base for clear, useful and realistic recommendations on adaptation practices for the sector. The research project also fits into the wider work of Creative Carbon Scotland through their Creative Europe- and Scottish Government-funded Cultural Adaptations project.

Based on the research, several recommendations have been developed to show how the visual arts sector can manage the risks and opportunities from climate change. The full report and key recommendations are available online.

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