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Articles and updates from the Network

SSN welcomes guest speaker Lolita Jackson


Sustainable Scotland Network Event

Lolita Jackson, Special Advisor, Climate Policy and Programs, in the NYC Mayor’s Office, joins us on 29 May for 'What's Your Strategy?' where SSN members will learn how strategy can help set targets, galvanise leadership and embed a credible blueprint to deliver on the Climate Change Plan.

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Committee on Climate Change - Net Zero


Other Sustainability Events

Committee on Climate Change responds to request from the Governments of the UK, Wales and Scotland to reassess the UK's long-term emission targets.

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VIBES 2019 – Accepting public sector applications now!


Network news

Now in their 20th year, the Vision in Business for the Environment of Scotland (VIBES) Awards are welcoming applications for 2019. The Awards continue to celebrate the achievements of organisations across Scotland who demonstrate best environmental practice. This year, VIBES offers 11 award categories. Public sector organisations can apply for two of them.

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We're at a tipping point – A blog from Kate Dapré, SSN Chair


SSN Blog

Sustainable Scotland Network Chair, Kate Dapré reflects on the Scottish public sector's response to the climate change challenge and global sustainability concerns.

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Displaying news articles 145 - 148 of 168 in total