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Role of Public Bodies in Climate Change - Consultation Analysis

10 June 2020

The Scottish Government has today published the Analysis of the Consultation on the Role of Public Sector Bodies in Climate Change

The consultation which took place late last year, explored a range of proposals and issues relating to public sector climate action. This included proposals for new leadership networks, questions about the information and support needed by public bodies, and a range of questions about the reform of public sector climate change reporting.

A total of 146 consultation responses were submitted, with 111 of those coming from organisations. SSN held a members’ event to inform thinking on the consultation, and also submitted its own response.

The analysis report provides a summary and detailed analysis on the consultation responses. It provides an excellent synthesis of respondents’ views, and provides a wealth of information on the issues that matter to public bodies as they seek to scale up action on climate change.

SSN looks forward to working with its members, stakeholders and partners to address how the issues raised in the consultation can best be addressed.

Download the full report here.

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