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Green Recovery to Drive Climate Action

27 May 2020

An update from SSN

In April the Scottish Government announced that revision of the Climate Change Plan was being postponed due to the COVID-19 emergency, and that the new plan would focus on the Green Recovery agenda. The Cabinet Secretary, Roseanna Cunningham, announced that she had written to the Committee on Climate Change for advice on this. Since then there has been a raft of developments on this theme, many of which lay out a set of initial principles and priorities for consideration as we move forward.

SSN Steering Group discussed the Green Recovery agenda at its meeting on 20th May, and is set to follow this up with a more detailed session on 23rd June. If SSN member would like to feed in views or questions for this meeting, please contact either a staff member in the SSN Secretariat or one of the SSN Steering Group members.

Important recent developments for SSN members and public bodies to be aware of on the Green Recovery include:

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