After COP26 - what have we learned and where do we go from here?
SSN Blog
"After COP26 - what have we learned and where do we go from here? Although the final decision document 'urges' much, 'welcomes' other things, 'notes' and 'requests' more, actual 'decisions' were much rarer.
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Place Standard Tool pilot
Network news
The Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland, Adaptation Scotland, Sniffer and Sustainable Scotland Network are working together to develop a climate lens to work in conjunction with the Place Standard Tool (PST).
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Marine Data Framework for Scotland
Network news
Do you use GIS-format marine spatial data? Find out about some of the changes to access. This is particularly relevant for coastal Local Authorities. Read more.
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Public sector leadership on the global climate emergency
Network news
Guidance to Scotland’s public bodies on their leadership role to tackle the global crises of health, climate emergency and biodiversity loss.