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Articles and updates from the Network

COP26...What now?


Sustainable Scotland Network Event

On 8 December SSN hosted ‘COP26...What now?’, a fully packed conference designed to explore building public sector capacity to deliver on net zero. The event encouraged discussion on key challenges, opportunities, and next steps for the public sector post COP26.

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SSN Engagement at COP26



Throughout COP26, the Sustainable Scotland Network was involved in a number of events, and exhibitions, providing a great opportunity to share more about the unique position of SSN as well as network members’ projects and achievements. Find out more about SSN at COP!

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After COP26 - what have we learned and where do we go from here?


SSN Blog

"After COP26 - what have we learned and where do we go from here? Although the final decision document 'urges' much, 'welcomes' other things, 'notes' and 'requests' more, actual 'decisions' were much rarer.

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Place Standard Tool pilot


Network news

The Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland, Adaptation Scotland, Sniffer and Sustainable Scotland Network are working together to develop a climate lens to work in conjunction with the Place Standard Tool (PST).

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Displaying news articles 61 - 64 of 168 in total