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An update from SSN

28 February 2023

Over the past couple of months the SSN Secretariat and Steering Group have been hard at work developing the SSN Plan for 2023-24. Key SSN deliverables for 2023/24 include working to support the development of new statutory guidance on the Public Bodies Climate Change Duties, continuing to manage mandatory climate change reporting, the SSN annual conference (24th May, online), and continuing to develop and deliver a range of resources and events to support capacity building and policy engagement across the SSN membership and all public sector bodies.

Additionally, SSN will be supporting the work of a new Public Sector Climate Leaders Group. The Group met for the first time on 21st February and has members drawn from local government, NHS Scotland, national public bodies, and the higher and further education sector, as well as members from the Scottish Government and COSLA.

“SSN is set for a very busy and productive year, supporting the work of SSN Members across the public sector. With on-going support agree with the Scottish Government and Local Government, our plan works across the range of priorities that will be vital to improving the public sector’s capacity to deliver climate action. We look forward to making further progress on key SSN deliverables at this year’s SSN Conference taking place online on 24th May.” George Tarvit, SSN Project Director

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