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Invitation to host student consultancy project on a sustainability theme

2 September 2022

An invitation from The University of Edinburgh Business School

Do you have a sustainability related challenge or opportunity in your business that you would be keen to have explored but don’t have the time or resource? One solution could be to host a consultancy project carried out by a group of postgraduate students who are studying an MSc in Global Strategy and Sustainability at the University of Edinburgh.

Students will work in small project groups between January – March 2023 to carry out research and analysis on your chosen topic and will deliver a report and presentation with practical recommendations at the end. There is no charge and each group is supported by our world leading academics.

Why work with the University's students?

The University of Edinburgh's students are among the best in their field and combine their strategic business and management skills and specialist knowledge with the refinement offered through our 12-month, intensive programmes. Students come from a wide range of backgrounds, offering fresh, often international perspectives and ideas into your business.

What Kinds of Project are Suitable?

Any project that relates to business aspects of sustainability issues can be considered. For example, projects might deal with supply chain issues such as communicating about sustainability with suppliers, market research for environmentally friendly products, or assistance in finding partners to help deal with these issues.

The project could look at any aspect of the 17 UN Sustainability Goals that impact on your business – see See how a past student project has worked well for its client in this consultancy project video.

What is my commitment? Once the topic has been agreed with academics you will be asked to meet your student group, either in-person or virtually, in early January to discuss the project scope. The students will then work on the project and be expected to check in with you at least a couple of times to ensure all is going to plan over the consulting period. You will be invited to attend the team’s presentation of their report and findings at the end, in mid-March.

What do I do now?

If you have any ideas you'd be interested in pursuing, we'd like to invite you to discuss and develop them to and come to a common understanding about a consulting project that would both fit the remit of the course and satisfy your business. Please contact Rachel Parks, our Business Engagement Manager, who would be delighted to discuss your ideas. She can be contacted on

The deadline for initial enquiries is 30th September 2022.

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