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Articles and updates from the Network

Public sector leadership on the global climate emergency


Network news

Guidance to Scotland’s public bodies on their leadership role to tackle the global crises of health, climate emergency and biodiversity loss.

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COP26 Blog from SSN Chair, John Wincott



SSN Chair, John Wincott, shares his thoughts on the upcoming COP26 summit in Glasgow.

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COP26: Engagement Opportunities



COP26 is around two weeks away. Find out more about engagement opportunities for your organisation, including events and case studies.

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SSN blog


SSN Blog

SSN Steering Group member, David Charles, Head of Climate Action at Strathclyde University was invited along to a CoMo UK member event, on the role of shared transport in helping businesses work towards achieving net zero.

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Displaying news articles 53 - 56 of 155 in total