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Articles and updates from the Network

New Offsetting Guidance Published for Public Bodies


Network news

The Scottish Government has produced updated guidance for public bodies on offsetting and insetting.

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SSN publish Leaders' Climate Emergency Checklist


Network news

The Climate Emergency is designed to enable senior leaders in the public sector to assess their organisation's maturity and capability in tackling the climate and nature emergencies.

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NZET Committee publish report


Network news

The Scottish Parliament's Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee has today published its report on the role of local government and its cross-sectoral partners in financing and delivering a net-zero Scotland.

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Invitation to host student consultancy project on a sustainability theme


Partner news

An opportunity to host a consultancy project carried out by a group of postgraduate students who are studying an MSc in Global Strategy and Sustainability at the University of Edinburgh.

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Displaying news articles 45 - 48 of 168 in total