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Articles and updates from the Network

Scottish Water publishes Climate Change Adaptation plan


Network news

Scottish Water has set out its plans to tackle the impact of climate change to protect water and waste water services and our need to work in partnership to achieve this.

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February News


SSN Blog

Catch up on the latest news and updates from SSN in our newsletter, published 29 February 2024. Catch up on the latest reports from Audit Scotland and Environmental Standards Scotland as well as consultations and training opportunities.

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January News


SSN Blog

Catch up on the latest news and updates from SSN in our newsletter, published 31 January 2024. You can find out about more about the Community Heat Development Programme, Climate Springboard and how to register for SSN's joint event with Holyrood Events and ECCI.

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Council Climate Action Scorecards


Network news

Climate Emergency UK have launched their Council Climate Action Scorecards, the first ever complete assessment of all UK councils' climate action. This tool provides useful insight into what each UK council is doing across 7 sections including Buildings & Heating, Biodiversity and Waste Reduction & Food.

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Displaying news articles 29 - 32 of 177 in total