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Council Climate Action Scorecards

28 November 2023

Learning from other councils via the Council Climate Action Scorecards

Climate Emergency UK have launched their Council Climate Action Scorecards, the first ever complete assessment of all UK councils' climate action. This tool provides useful insight into what each UK council is doing across 7 sections including Buildings & Heating, Biodiversity and Waste Reduction & Food. You can see how each council scores here, along with links to the evidence and projects that received marks as well as being able to directly compare across other councils and consider some of the top 15 actions councils can take. Get in touch with CE UK if your council is interested in further support or guidance on using the Scorecards.

As this is the first time Climate Emergency UK has published this, we will be conducting a full review of the Scorecards project in the coming months, so watch this space for more info. In the meantime, councillors and staff are invited to feed back on the Scorecards launch and how they have used or not used the Scorecards data by filling in this short feedback survey before 8th of December.

Complete survey here.

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