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Climate Change Reporting

Public Bodies Climate Change Duties Reporting

Scotland’s climate change legislation sets a target date for net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045. Public sector bodies play a key role in meeting this target and have statutory climate change duties under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 to:

  • cut greenhouse gas emissions;
  • prepare for the impacts of climate change;
  • and act sustainably.

Schedule 1 Listed Bodies (2015 Order, as amended by 2020 Order) are required to report annually on compliance with climate change duties. SSN publishes an annual summary analysis report presenting key findings from public sector bodies’ annual reports

Public bodies must submit reports via no later than 30th November to be deemed compliant. Please contact for all reporting queries.

Please use the thumbnails below to navigate through the reporting guidance and resources.

Reporting resources

Download the latest reporting templates and this year's guidance.

Additional resources

Additional resources to help you complete your report, including an illustrative net zero statement, CFPR tool and Leaders Checklist.

SSN Summary Analysis Reports

SSN Summary Analysis Reports of Public Bodies Climate Change Duties Reports

Individual report submissions

Individual report submissions from public bodies, dating back to 2015/16


More information on statutory climate change duties.

Template guidance videos

Videos and worked examples on completing each part of the template