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SSN Summary Analysis Reports of Public Bodies Climate Change Duties Reports

SSN publishes an annual summary analysis report presenting key findings from public sector bodies’ annual reports on public sector corporate emissions, projects, renewables, emission targets, climate risk assessment and adaptation action.

Latest analysis report: 2022/23 Public Bodies Climate Change Duties Analysis

The public sector achieved 100% compliance with all 188 ‘major players’ submitting an annual report, as required under Scotland's Climate Change Act, (the legislative background to climate change reporting). This year’s SSN Analysis Report provides more insight into data coverage, the materiality of different emission sources across sub-sectors, and insights on changes over time.

Key findings: 

  • Scope 1 and Scope 2 reported emissions have decreased 2% and 10% respectively since 2021/22.
  • Scope 1 and Scope 2 reported emissions reduced by 2% and 10% respectively since 2021/22.
  • 52,460 tCO2e were saved due to emission reduction projects.
  • 362 GWh of renewable energy were generated, similar to 2021/22.
  • Annual gas consumption fell by nearly 5% from 2021/22 and is the lowest since reporting began in 2015/16, however, this coincided with the warmest year since reporting began in 2015/16
  • Fleet emissions increased 5% from 2021/22.
  • Reporting of procurement emissions is improving very slowly but remains largely under-reported due to the complexity of data requirements and lack of monitoring capacity.
  • Scope 3 emissions increased by 21% compared to 2021/22, mainly due to some educational institutions providing emissions data related to student commuting, including travel at the start and end of terms.. .
  • 70% of bodies are undertaking some form of climate risk assessment, a 4% increase from last year

All summary analysis reports:

Individual submitted reports can be found here.