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Additional resources

Additional resources to help you complete your report.

The following resources are intended to help reporting on annual compliance with climate change duties:

Insights and recommendations for improving reporting, June 2024

This SSN Briefing draws on insights from analysis of 2022/23 annual reports and highlights recommendations to help improve future reporting. The briefing is intended primarily for Lead Reporters in public bodies who coordinate report completion, but it may be useful to others involved in compiling specific parts of the annual reports. Download report here.

Lead Reporters Seminar, 25 June 2024

Slide decks from the seminar to launch the above Insights Report:

Presentation 1 on Data Checks, new Boundary Info tab and Adaptation

Presentation 2 on Context; Targets, Procurement and Wider Workstreams

Leaders' Climate Emergency Checklist, December 2022

Developed by SSN and partners, the checklist enables senior leaders in the public sector to assess their organisation’s maturity and capability in tackling the climate and nature emergencies. Download checklist here.

Illustrative net zero statement, September 2022

An illustrative Net Zero Statement is available for smaller public bodies that may lack sufficient technical expertise/capacity to set appropriate targets. The statement is an illustration only and bodies should amend and adapt it to suit their own circumstances. Where possible, bodies should set target dates in advance of those indicated in the illustration. The statement can be added to in future years, e.g. when setting specific targets for Scope 3 emissions.  Please note that a Net Zero Statement is not a substitute for reporting and that the reporting template must still be completed and submitted by the 30 November annual deadline. Download net zero statement here.

Public sector leadership on the global climate emergency, October 2021

Guidance produced by the Scottish Government and SSN for Scotland’s public bodies on their leadership role in the shared national endeavour to tackle the global crises of health, climate emergency and biodiversity loss.. Download report here.

Carbon Footprint and Project Register (CFPR) tool, updated annually

The Carbon Footprint and Project Register (CFPR) tool can help larger public bodies with multiple emission sources and lots of projects monitor and attribute emission costs and savings and progress against targets. The tool is available free of charge to SSN members only. Contact