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Scottish Climate Intelligence Service partner with ClimateView

27 June 2024

The SCIS will support Scotland’s local authorities with their approach to the climate transition through effective, climate-informed decision making at all levels and on an area-wide scale.

The collaboration between SCIS and ClimateView will use a shared data platform to support capacity building and implementation of climate action. The SCIS will support local authorities to move existing climate action plans online and use the platform to design, implement and improve area-wide emissions reduction programmes, focusing on effective climate solutions and the systemic changes needed to fund and implement them.

Adoption of the ClimateView platform will facilitate the development and delivery of area-wide climate action plans, providing impact assessment and monitoring action and implementation. This collaborative model helps to ensure all 32 local authorities contribute to Scotland's net-zero goal, promoting a collective response to climate mitigation and enabling all communities to access the benefits of transition to a low carbon economy.

Einar Bodström, CEO, ClimateView said:

"This partnership will help Scotland as a nation, as well as every one of Scotland's 32 local authorities, deliver climate action more efficiently with the help of data-informed analysis. We’re thrilled to work this closely with the key institutions of Scotland’s green transition towards 2045."

The SCIS aims to build local capacity and use strengthened evidence to increase the pace and scale of climate action and deliver wider benefits for communities. The initiative is jointly funded by councils and the Scottish Government and will be delivered by the Improvement Service and the Edinburgh Climate Change Institute.

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