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Call for feedback - Climate Change Public Engagement Strategy

29 July 2024

Call for feedback - Climate Change Public Engagement Strategy

The Scottish Government is currently seeking views on the Climate Change Public Engagement Strategy as part of a midpoint review process. We are keen to hear your candid reflections on what aspects of the strategy you think are working well so far and how we can improve delivery against the strategy for the remainder of the strategy’s implementation.

Therefore, we would be grateful if you could complete a short feedback survey, which will be live from Wednesday 24 July 2024 to 31 August 2024.

There are eight questions, with a mixture of closed and open questions. There is no text limit for the free text responses. If you wish to take part, you can do so online, here - Public Engagement Strategy midpoint review stakeholder engagement survey.


Climate Change Public Engagement Strategy Stakeholder Engagement Privacy Notice

The information below sets out how the data we collect about you in order to conduct the Public Engagement Strategy midpoint review stakeholder engagement survey will be used and your rights relating to this. A full data protection impact assessment (DPIA) has also been carried out.

Who are we?

The Climate Engagement Team sits within the Domestic Climate Change Division in the Scottish Government.

What is the research about?

We are seeking your views on the Scottish Government Climate Change Public Engagement Strategy, which will help inform the remainder of the strategy’s implementation.

What information do we collect about you?

To deliver the survey we may collect and process the following data about you:

· If you responded as individual or organisation;

· The name of your organisation; and

· Any other personal information you voluntarily provide.

What is our lawful basis for collecting and using your personal information?

The legal basis for processing personal data to this end is the performance of a task carried out in the public interest, under Article 6(1)(e) of the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018). The condition for processing Special Category personal data under Article 9 is (2) (g) public interest and the research meets the specific condition set out in paragraph 8, Part 2 of Schedule 1 of the DPA 2018, ‘8. Equality of opportunity or treatment’. Participation in the survey is voluntary and you are free to withdraw at any time, before you return the questionnaire, without providing any reason and without your legal rights being affected.

How will we use your information?

The survey data will be collected and analysed by policy officials within Scottish Government and will be used as part of the midpoint report. Information will be anonymous.

Who will we share your information with?

Scottish Government will not share any personal information from which you can be identified. A fully anonymised survey results dataset will be held by the Scottish Government.

Will we send your information outside the UK?

No, we do not transfer your information outside the UK.

How long will we store your information?

Whilst the project is live, Scottish Government will process and store information contained in your survey responses. Data will only be stored for as long as necessary and will be disposed of after July 2027.


For more information, please see our privacy policy to find out how we handle your personal data.

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