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UK Climate Risk Independent Assessment 2021 (CCRA3)

21 September 2021


Workshop for Scotland

In June, the Climate Change Committee (CCC) published the latest independent assessment of climate change risks and opportunities for the UK, required by the UK Climate Change Act every five years.

Following this, the CCC is convening a ‘deep-dive’ event in partnership with Sniffer and colleagues from Scottish Government, which will:

• Provide an overview of the climate risks in Scotland.

• Give examples of activity that can help to address these risks.

• Provide an opportunity to discuss the findings, their implications for Government and next steps.

During this interactive session, you will hear about what the latest scientific evidence tells us about vulnerability and exposure to weather-related hazards in Scotland, what is being done about it, and what needs to happen now. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions and network.

Register now!
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