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SSN Conference Resources

Each year, SSN hosts its annual conference on public sector action. The events bring together a wide range of experts, leaders and practitioners to tackle the priorities needed for Scotland to respond to climate change and meet its legislative commitments.

SSN Conference 2024

On 22 May 2024, around 500 online delegates attended the SSN Conference, Climate Change, Sustainability and the Public Sector: From Ambition to Action. Access all resources.

SSN Conference 2023

On May 24 2023, SSN welcomed over 400 attendees, to its SSN Conference, Public Sector Action: Working Together to Deliver. Access all resources

SSN Conference 2022

On May 25 2022, SSN held its annual conference, Reporting to Accelerate Action on the Climate Emergency. Access all resources.

SSN Conference 2021

On 8 December 2021, SSN hosted COP26..What now?, attended by nearly 250 delegates. The conference was designed to explore the opportunities and challenges facing the public sector in developing the skills and finance necessary to achieve net zero. Access all resources.