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SSN Conference 2021: Report

24 January 2022

On 8th of December 2021, SSN hosted 'COP26... What now?", a conference designed to explore the opportunities and challenges facing the public sector in developing the skills and finance necessary to achieve net zero. Participants heard from a range of speakers and participated in workshops to identify actions that can be taken to address barriers to delivery and share knowledge.

The fully packed conference emphasised the value of collaboration and highlighted public bodies' desire to work together and share learnings. Throughout panel discussions and workshops, key challenges identified included the need to build capacity within the public sector and implement system change.

Read the full SSN Conference Report here!

The Sustainable Scotland Network would like to thank all attendees, speakers, workshop leads, and panellists for theirparticipation in the event and give a special thanks to the NHS events team for their assistancein the creation and smooth running of the conference.

Conference discussions and outputs will be used to inform the SSN annual planning meeting on the 26th of January 2022, which will scope the SSN programme for 2022/23 and beyond.

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