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Reporting Resources

Legislative Context

All public bodies listed in Schedule1 of the ‘Climate Change (Duties of Public Bodies; Reporting Requirements) (Scotland) Order 2015’ as amended by the Climate Change (Duties of Public Bodies: Reporting Requirements) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2020, are required to report annually on compliance with climate change duties established under S44 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 and in accordance with Schedule 2 of the 2015 Order.

Annual Reporting Deadline

Annual reports must be submitted via no later than 30th November to be deemed compliant.

Reporting Template - See Important Update below

Reports must be submitted using the standard templates below. We cannot accept reports provided in other formats. Please do not unlock any tabs to modify protected cells or delete table rows as this interferes with report collation for analysis. If you need any modifications send the template to

Two templates are available for 2023/24 reporting. Please ensure that you download the correct version according to your organisation's annual reporting period:

Please note and complete the new Boundary_info tab. This is to enable better assessment of data coverage to help inform analysis.

As there are separate templates you no longer need to select the reporting year type in the Profile tab. We have tried to limit the list of factors to those used previously to minimise the amount of scrolling needed within the Emission Source dropdown list. The list can be viewed on the EF_List tab. Please do not edit/amend this list. If you need to add an unlisted EF please select "Other" and add relevant information across the row.

For the attention of local authorities: The 2023/24 Financial Year template is not populated with the local authority area emissions dataset. If a local authority wishes to include the latest dataset in their report an updated version of the Recommended tab will be available shortly. Please note: the Recommended tab does not form part of the mandatory reporting requirements.

Important updates

26 June 2024 An updated 2024 Financial year template was posted on 1 July 2024. This update includes target completion year options out to 2044/45 (Q3d column K). If you have already started completing your report and do not wish to re-enter data in the amended version please forward the template to stating "Amend target deadline" in the subject line. We will aim to return asap but if submitted after 4pm on a Wednesday it may not be returned until the following Monday. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Reporting Guidance

Download the latest SSN Guidance on completing the template. Please note additional information on completing the new Boundary Info tab and other updates and changes mentioned in the 2024 Important Updates Info box on the front page.

See also:

Videos and worked examples on completing each part of the template:

Illustrative Net Zero Statement

Some public bodies have already set net zero targets or are aligned with sectoral targets, for example, NHS Scotland's and Colleges Scotland's net zero by 2040. Many other bodies are developing targets. The Scottish Government recognises, however, that smaller public bodies may lack sufficient technical expertise/capacity to set appropriate targets. An illustrative Net Zero Statement has been developed for such bodies to adopt. The statement is an illustration only and bodies should amend and adapt it to suit their own circumstances. Where possible, bodies should set target dates in advance of those indicated in the illustration. The statement can be added to in future years, for example as bodies set specific targets around Scope 3 emissions.  Please note that a Net Zero Statement is not a substitute for reporting and that the reporting template must still be completed and submitted by the 30 November annual deadline.


Please send all reporting queries to and please attach the template if your query concerns a data entry issue/error or if you require extra rows to be added.

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