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Articles and updates from the Network

2022/23 Public Bodies Climate Change Duties Analysis Report


Network news

The latest SSN Summary Analysis Report on Public Bodies Climate Change Duties Reporting provides a breakdown of public sector greenhouse gas emissions reporting and climate change adaptation activity across 188 public bodies, including all 32 Scottish local authorities, 45 universities and colleges, 20 NHS boards and over 50 national bodies and agencies amongst others.

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Climate governance report published


Network news

Emerging research on place-based climate governance was funded by the UK ESRC in 2023/2024 and was supported by SSN, the Place-based Climate Action Network (PCAN) and the Edinburgh Climate Change Institute (ECCI) at the University of Edinburgh. 

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Funding opportunities


Network news

Find out about two funding opportunities from the Scottish Government

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Respond to recent consultations


Network news

Don't miss your opportunity to respond to current consultations on the Land Reform (Scotland) Bill and Draft Bioenergy Policy Statement.

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Displaying news articles 9 - 12 of 168 in total