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SSN Local Authorities Forum

17 September 2019



Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards

September 2019 Meeting

The Sustainable Scotland Network invites all local authority members to join the first meeting of the Local Authority Forum. The LA Forum aims to foster sector specific discussion, to consider the climate challenges and opportunities facing local government in Scotland, including space for valuable networking.

The first Forum will examine and define the contribution that local government can make in Scotland to climate action and mitigation. The meeting is expected to help identify the resources required to deliver – in terms of policy, legislative levers and financing. This will inform the basis of wider policy ambition and local government policy asks at the national level.

During the morning, participants will share what their individual authorities are hoping to achieve on climate action, drawing out key themes and topics. The afternoon session will consider what is required to make this happen. The day will offer a significant opportunity for all authorities to inform COSLA's approach to climate change action at the national level.

There will be opportunities to discuss the national Climate Change Conversation Consultation for public bodies as well as the future meetings of the Forum.

Materials for delegates

The following links provide context and background for our meeting and will help delegates set their local issues and challenges in the national and policy landscape.


10:30 Registration and refreshments

11:00 Arrival & Welcome. Co-chairs: Duncan Booker, Glasgow City Council and Michael Cook, Scottish Borders Council

11.15 -12.40 Individual Local Authority overviews on current key themes (Delagates introduce and share key issues, open discussion)

12.30 – 13:00 Prioritising and grouping of themes raised (Summing up morning: led by Chairs)

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch & Networking

14:00 – 15:30 Group table discussions (What needs to happen to address themes and what is required to achieve them?)

15.30 - 15.45 Feedback, Discussion & Summary

15.45 – 16:00 Next steps for the Forum

16:00 Thank you and close

About the Forum

Forum sessions provide an open space for all LA members to share practice, learn from each other and increase personal capacity by expanding their network of other members and practitioners. The forums can also provide a space for critical discussion and shared insights on issues that are sector specific or semi confidential.

Content and themes of the forums are determined by members with support from the SSN secretariat. For example, supporting specific topic areas with experts or speakers; opportunities to try or trial specific tools or training; facilitated discussion or workshops.

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