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NHSScotland Sustainability Conference 2021

10 November 2021


Delivering a Green and Just, Resilient Recovery

A Virtual Event on Wednesday 10 November 2021 brought to you by Public Health Scotland and NHS National Services Scotland.

Registration for the NHSScotland Sustainability Conference 2021 is open. This year’s conference has been scheduled to take place on 10 November 2021 to coincide with the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26), which will bring parties together in Glasgow to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Innovation Cafés will feature sustainability and climate change initiatives in policy and practice across NHSScotland including public health, primary care, clinical, property and estates and facilities. Confirmed speakers include Dr Gregor Smith, Chief Medical Officer for Scotland; Chris Stark, CEO at Committee on Climate Change; Jonathon Porritt, Sustainability Campaigner and Writer; Sonia Roschnik, International Climate Policy Director Healthcare Without Harm; and, Dame Jackie Daniel, Chief Executive Officer The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

The Conference is free to attend and open to all, though priority will be given to NHS staff.

Register now!
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