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Tools and Case Studies

Procurement Emissions Tools

Indirect scope 3 emissions encompass all upstream and downstream activities in the value chain. These can include raw material extraction and processing, product manufacture, purchased goods and services, product use by consumers, waste management of products and the transportation of materials and products in between.

Life cycle costing (LCC) can be applied to supply chains as a method to consider all the costs (including externalities) that will be incurred during the lifetime of the product or service. It is worth mentioning that at this point in time the calculation of scope 3 emissions can have significant uncertainty and therefore too much weight should not be placed on these figures alone. However, this uncertainty should not be a barrier to reporting. To limit the burden on bidders, LCC should only be used where relevant and proportionate to the impact of the product or service.

There are many online tools and calculators for assessing emissions. The list provided below is not an endorsement or recommendation of any specific tool but intended as examples. They are free unless otherwise stated. Practitioners must decide which tools are relevant and proportionate for use in specific circumstances. The range of scope 3 emission categories will differ between sub-sectors and individual bodies and should be reflected on, therefore reporting boundaries must be reviewed accordingly.  Download list.

Educational Resources and Guidance:

Case Studies