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Individual, Social and Material (ISM) Framework

ISM is a robust and flexible framework that facilitates an integrated, whole-system perspective of the challenges of change for individuals, organisations and partnerships. It fosters identification and development of options and shared ownership of solutions, taking account of influences on behaviours and decision-making which ultimately determine the impact of projects and actions.

Examples of SSN support on public sector use of the ISM framework is included in our report:

Andrew Darnton, (co-designer of ISM) spoke at the SSN 2016 Annual Conference on 'Making Change Happen – the Critical Role of Behaviours'. In this talk Andrew gives an overview of the ISM approach and explores a range of case studies where its use was integral to project success. Slides from Andrew’s talk are available here.

Originating from projects commissioned under the Scottish Government Low Carbon Behaviours Research Programme, ISM has featured in the development of national plans and policies, including the current Climate Change Plan. A user guide to ISM is available from the Scottish Government.

Links to ISM resources:

Influencing behaviours – moving beyond the individual: ISM user guide

Scottish Government report on Main findings from the Climate Change Behaviours Research Programme