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Going Beyond Net Zero (Webinar 1)

Leading the Way in the Public Sector

Zero Waste Scotland shared their Net-Zero Plan with around 70 SSN members on 6 May in the first webinar as part of a joint project between ZWS and SSN on supporting the public sector in achieving net zero targets. Fraser Millar, Environmental Analyst, explained ZWS’s approach to developing the plan which is founded on 5 key principles:

  1. Evidence-led
  2. Achieves absolute emissions reductions
  3. Reduction before offsetting
  4. Tackle whole carbon footprint
  5. Share our successes as well as our learnings

A follow-up webinar will take place on 22 June at 11am to look at procurement in more detail. Please save the date for now and more information on registration will be available soon!

Webinar Resources

Slides, including a summary of SSN responses to a survey on preparing for Net-Zero and members’ needs, are available here.

Since the SSN webinar on 6 May, Zero Waste Scotland have published their Net-Zero plan and can be accessed here.

The SSN webinar can be watched below. Please note, the presentation delivered by Zero Waste Scotland on the 6 May was prior to the finalisation of travel data (as mentioned within the presentation). The emissions baseline and sources have since been updated as have mitigation strategies to reflect the revised data.