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Carbon Footprint and Project Register Tool

A good understanding of your organisation’s carbon footprint, setting and tracking progress against targets, forecasting impacts from corporate change over time and building the business case for emission reduction projects are fundamental to good practice in carbon management.

The Carbon Footprint and Project Register (CFPR) tool is designed to help public sector organisations monitor and attribute emission costs and savings and progress against targets in accordance with PBD reporting requirements.

The tool supports forecasting using scenario-testing and assessing potential impacts of estate and/or staff changes. Financial and carbon payback periods and effectiveness of projects are automatically calculated to help inform management decisions. The CFPR tool produces accurate and auditable outputs, customised for responding to Part 3 (Emissions, Targets and Projects) of PBD reports.

The CFPR tool, developed in partnership with Zero Waste Scotland, requires a basic level of competency with Excel and also needs to be macro-enabled. SSN members can request the latest version free of charge from

Using the tool

Guidance on using the tool includes tips on data entry, navigation and worked examples.

The guidance is accompanied by five video tutorials:

Video: Getting Started

Video: Carbon footprinting and forecasting

Video: Project register and targets

Video: Dealing with renewables

Video: Updating your tool to the latest version

Training slides and worked examples are also available.

Additional resources covering a range of carbon management themes including setting targets; defining organisational boundaries; and governance and accountability which are all relevant to PBD action and reporting requirements are also available on the Zero Waste Scotland website