Summary Analysis Reports 2015-16
You can download the summary reports for 2015/16 below. These reports provide a summary analysis of the data submitted for the reporting year 2015/16 in the individual Public Bodies Climate Change Reports. The analysis and summary covers data submitted by 145 major players by 30 November 2016.
- The main analysis report presents high-level data analysis on the information and data provided within the PBCCD reports. This includes our key findings of progress, actions and recommendations for improvement across the six required reporting sections and the recommended wider influence section.
- The summary briefing was produced as a stand-alone summary which was sent to the Chief Executives of the 150 Major Players and outlines the key findings and recommendations from the analysis of the PBCCD reports.
- A functional review of the reporting process was produced which collates a range of development issues that arose throughout the reporting period. The document also outlines how SSN is dealing with these matters to help improve public bodies climate change duties reporting.