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Summary Analysis Report 2016-17

The Climate Change (Duties of Public Bodies: Reporting Requirements) (Scotland) Order 2015 requires all public bodies classified as major players to publish annual climate change reports. For the reporting year 2016/17 there were 180 public bodies classified as major players. This includes the 150 public bodies involved in 2015/16 plus 30 Integration Joint Boards (IJBs) that reported for the first time.

The climate change reports provide information on the action being taken by Scotlands public bodies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to a changing climate and promote sustainable development. Reports include information on:

Since IJBs do not have operational control of the services provided by their NHS and local authority partners, no emissions data has been reported directly by IJBs. All emissions data relating to integrated health and social care services is captured and reported within NHS and local authority reports. Therefore, all information on emissions in this analysis report is taken from the 150 non-IJB reports, and reference to IJBs is not included in graphs and tables.

Please download the 2016-17 analysis report below:

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